In collaboration with Microsoft, Spaces opened a new location close to the airport. Spaces Schiphol Airport is a coworking environment which completes the airport, its surroundings, and its community. It consists of three floors and a business club with a 360-degree panoramic view. For our first Spaces assignment, our team extensively toured all existing Spaces locations in the Netherlands. Based on our findings, we created a new design for this primetime location from which many more new locations were to be developed, so all eyes were on Spaces Schiphol!
Where Microsoft focusses on the online world, Spaces cares for an inspiring work environment for entrepreneurs. This combination makes this project unique. It’s now an open and accessible building for a big diversity of people. Everybody can find a preferred spot to work on that moment. To create zones for individual needs, we designed various colour blocks for the floors, walls and ceilings, customising every block with a little different atmosphere. For both companies we developed their new environments, to complete the connection between these organisations and make it more into one entity.