World’s most exclusive collection of handbags can be found on the prestigious Amsterdam canals. What started as a private collection and hobby, grew into a museum that attracts 70.000 visitors per year. The building is full of original architectural and decorative details such as hand-painted murals and authentic textile wallpaper. When we were asked to update the bar in the museum restaurant, preservation of all the original details was a requirement.
Incorporating the ceiling high mirrors and ornate paintings, our designers created a space that is both modern and traditional. In the bar and in the two majestic event rooms, each piece of furniture bridges the gap between old and new. Prioritising comfort to accommodate the senior visitors, each seat has armrests and high backs. The showpiece behind the bar is a display for products and glassware, but also symbolises a link to the museum’s handbag exhibits that are presented in glass cabinets.